

Canvas size comparison chart
Conversion to centermeters

48”x 72” = 121.9m x 182.8cm
48”x 60” = 121.9cm x 152.4cm
36”x 48” = 91.4cm x 121.92cm
30”x 40”= 76.2cm x 101.6cm
24”x 30” = 60.9cm x 76.2cm
20”x 24”= 50.8cm x 60.9cm
18”x 24”= 45.7cm x 60.9cm
16”x 20”= 45.7cm x 50.8cm
12”x 16”= 30.4cm x 45.7cm
11”x 14”= 27.9cm x 35.5cm


Wall art should take up 60%- 75% of the available wall space, i.e wall space that isn't covered by furniture or moldings. Start by measuring the width and height of your wall and then multiply them by both 0.60 and 0.75. This will give you the range of canvas print sizes that will suit the space.


Landscape, Portrait or Square